Sunday, October 25, 2015

I don't know

Most of the time when I write a blog post, I know what I want to say.  At least in part, before I start typing it.

But today, today I have no idea.

I'm at work, I don't want to be here.  I know, I know... No one likes work.  But I really hate working Sundays.. Saturdays too.  I miss my kid, I work so late.  He goes to bed  30 minutes after I get home from work.. and all this is really just me complaining about the job I'm lucky to have.

I have a domestic assault charge.  Years ago.. in a land far far away.. I plead guilty to slapping my abusive, jerk husband, while I was crazy pregnant.... I slapped him, I shouldn't have.  I learned a ton from my court mandated anger management class.  I learned to adore and love the teacher.

I actually saw her at my job one time.  She brought in donations, and I recognized her.  She changed my life. Quite possibly saved it lol.

If I hadn't learned what I then, dealing with my marital woes would have landed me in jail, very likely missing much more of Kits childhood than I already feel like I am.

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